Plugins Connect Grafana to Redis in New Ways

Every month Redis Labs hosts speakers from around the world and talks about everything Redis.

Mikhail Volkov
3 min readJul 28, 2021

On Monday, July 19, 2021, two speakers - Davies Liu, talked about JuiceFS and used Redis as its metastore. And Mikhail Volkov explores some really cool RedisAI use cases with Redis plugins for Grafana.

Mikhail Volkov started his session with “Redis is one of the simplest and most powerful tools ever created” and can be deployed Anywhere — IoT, Cloud, and On-premises. Redis is a Multi-model database supporting Time-series data structures, JSON data type, Full-Text search, and graphs, and can serve tensors, execute deep learning graphs, and provide a dynamic execution framework.

What is the best way to observe and interact with Redis databases? Learn more by browsing thru the presentation and watching the video stream with a live demonstration.

Redis plugins for Grafana presentation
Redis Monthly Live

The Redis plugins for Grafana let you connect Grafana to Redis to visualize more types of data in more ways than otherwise would be possible. They are, for example, the only direct way to stream and monitor Redis application data in real time via a Grafana dashboard.

In addition to providing more functionality and making it easier to visualize Redis data directly in Grafana, the plugins let you achieve everything without having to switch between multiple applications or export data from one application to bring it into another. All the increased functionality comes with a more streamlined workflow.

The presented Redis plugin ecosystem consists (so far) of three products:

  • Redis Data Source can connect to Redis open-source or Redis databases managed by Redis Enterprise. Redis Data Source provides predefined dashboards; it allows users to monitor Redis data and supports RedisTimeSeries, RedisGears, RedisGraph, and others.
  • Redis Application provides application pages, dashboards, and custom panels for Redis Data Source. It helps users manage Redis Data Sources and provides quick access to Redis Overview, Redis CLI, and RedisGears dashboards. These tools let you build custom panels for Grafana, a capability that only these plugins provide.
  • Redis Explorer can connect to Redis Enterprise software clusters using REST API and provides application pages to add Redis Data Sources for managed databases. It also includes dashboards to see cluster configuration, nodes, and databases.

At the end of the presentation, Mikhail demonstrated two projects, “Forecasting Stocks and Crypto prices using Redis and Prophet” and “Analyzing camera feed using RedisAI and OpenCV” described in the articles:

Redis plugins for Grafana were recently upgraded to Grafana 8 and added many features requested by the community. We are working on new exciting features like supporting RedisJSON and RedisAI modules for Redis Data Source and adding RedisAI Script editor and models panels for Redis Application.

Where to find more information for Redis plugins for Grafana?
Where to find more information for Redis plugins for Grafana?

Please ask a question, request a new feature, and file a bug with GitHub issues. Star the project to show your support.

Volkov Labs is an agency founded by long-time Grafana contributor Mikhail Volkov. We find elegant solutions for non-standard tasks.

Check out the latest plugins and projects at

